3 Ways to Effectively Disinfect Your Office Workstations

While everyone in the office is busy answering phone calls, chasing deadlines and aiming targets, your office workstation is on the hustle accommodating the germs and viruses from all sorts of documents that come in and out.

Fact 1: Did you know that an office table can accumulate 400x bacteria compared to a toilet seat?

I’m quite amazed too! Who knows what kind of germs or viruses you can pick up just right on your workspace? With the health care that’s been all over the news as of this writing, no one is exempted from getting sick; no one is exempted from having the Novel Coronavirus 2019.

Fact 2: Our health workers have been battling through day and night to protect the public’s welfare but their blood and sweat has not yielded enough to defeat the contagious disease as the death toll continues to rise ever since the virus transpired all over the world.

To bring back normalcy across nations, medical workers call for cooperation with the public to observe and to practice the health and safety measures in aiming at the goal of flattening the curve of COVID-19 cases.

Here’s what you can do in the office to alleviate their weariness in this tough battle:

  1.           Map an office cleanliness health plan

Create a checklist of were among the office areas do germs and bacteria can multiply abruptly. These are usually the common areas or frequently-used office essentials by the employees such as:

–          Office tables

–          Office chairs

–          Filing cabinets

–          Office dividers

–          Counter tops

–          Doorknobs

–          Office equipment (computer, telephones, etc.)

–          Light switches

–          Office lounge

After identifying what these are, it’s time to do a sanitation schedule as this helps in prohibiting unwanted particles to generate diseases. This sanitation period can be done before and after working hours. Plus, another helpful tip is to minimize the use of common areas to not spread further the seated germs in the whole office.

  1.           Clean and disinfect

You might be wondering what’s the difference between the two. Cleaning is the act of clearing up the surface that has gathered dust or to remove the germs to prevent them from spreading; on the other hand, disinfecting involves chemical solutions that are needed to completely kill the bacteria.

Basically, it doesn’t mean that cleaning makes your office furniture free from those microscopic organisms so make it a habit to disinfect the area after the scrub work to make sure that everyone in the office is safe from the health hazard.

  1.           Observe and practice workstation hygiene

First, be mindful of what you touch so make sure that you have to rub alcohol on your office desk. Second, observe social distancing. An advisable way to do this is to make use of office partitions, these block-like walls are a preventive measure that delimits the direct contact among employees.

Third, make your workstations as hygienic as possible. Remember that no matter how busy your day is, don’t leave the table with a mess. Always declutter and file necessary documents in their rightful place. Make a wise technique in maximizing the use of your office cabinets because this will help you lessen the accumulation of dirt and dust out of office files when it’s put in a secured place.

Meanwhile, if you need to do bulk storage, consider using compactors. Mobile Compactors are designed to store full load office files, materials, or equipment. It has a locking mechanism that completely closes the accessibility and has an anti-theft feature from point-to-point.